Student and parent handbooks are updated annually and available below.
All School policies are accessible here.
Student and parent handbooks are updated annually and available below.
All School policies are accessible here.
Editions of the Parent Newsletter from previous academic years are available to view here.
Academic Year: 2023/24
Principal’s Vlog #1
Principal’s Vlog #2
Principal’s Vlog #3
Principal’s Vlog #4
Principal’s Vlog #5
Principal’s Vlog #6
At The Purcell School we are extremely proud of our students and their successes, with this in mind, please make sure to keep the School informed of any positive news or achievements by contacting the Publicity Department at publicity@purcell-school.org.
Let’s All Talk Mental Health is an online hub for parents, caregivers and family members to support young people through mental health struggles, to understand the issues and to find out more about routes for help. Featuring LIVE sessions with the UK’s top clinical psychologists, therapists & psychiatrists, every session includes at least 30 minutes of anonymous audience Q&A. You can register for free using the link below. You will then receive a confirmation email and within a few minutes and a further email from CONTRAST with your joining instructions. If you want to protect your anonymity for audience Q&As, then please add an alias in the First/Last Name field upon initial registration.
The Purcell School Access Pass
Parent’s A-Z Mental Health Guide
Anna Freud: Parents and Carers in Conflict or Separating Support and Guidance
We are partnered with the Anna Freud Centre, a world-leading mental health charity supporting children and their parents to provide support through their Schools and Colleges Early Support Scheme. The Schools and Colleges Early Support Service is for young people aged 11-25 experiencing mild to moderate mental health difficulties, like anxiety and low mood, and the trusted adults around them. The Schools and Colleges Early Support Service is the only whole-school online service, delivered by expert practitioners and underpinned by the latest evidence on preventing mental ill health. They deliver evidence-based, early support to help young people express their needs, find solutions and build practical strategies that will support their wellbeing long-term. Crucially, they collaborate with every young person as an expert in their own life and scaffold help to the trusted adults around them: parents, carers, teachers and school staff.