Physical Education Vision

Our vision is to deliver a curriculum that promotes participation, enjoyment and a love of physical activity and exercise. We aim for students to understand the importance of physical fitness and how this can benefit their musical performance and studies.

At The Purcell School we aim to offer a balanced and varied curriculum that allows all pupils to achieve and enjoy PE. We aim to provide character building and leadership opportunities, ensuring standards develop their knowledge and understanding of the importance of health and well-being, supporting pupils to enthusiastically take an interest in leading an active lifestyle alongside their musical commitments and studies.

How can exercise make you become a better musician?

  • Strengthens muscles
  • Better and more efficient breathing
  • Reduces risk of injury
  • Improves posture
  • Increases your coordination
  • Sharper thinking
  • Inspire music making through the endorphins released during exercise
  • Relieves stress

Sport facilities at The Purcell School:

  • Sports Hall
  • Outside Sports Court (Basketball, tennis and netball markings)
  • Large green space (with flood lights for the evenings)
  • Brand new state of the art gym including:
    • Two squat racks
    • Barbells & Plates
    • Dumbbells
    • Kettlebells
    • Air Bike
    • Ski Erg
    • Row Erg
    • Slam Balls
    • Medicine Balls
    • Resistance Bands
    • Functional Boxes