Yesterday afternoon, the Symphony Orchestra gave a fantastic performance at the Watford Colosseum. They played to a big audience at the matinee concert, conducted by Kevin Hathway, Head of Wind, Brass and Percussion at the School.
The orchestra performed Shchedrin’s Carmen Suite, Stravinsky’s Pulcinella, Mendelssohn’s Italian Symphony and Tchaikovsky’s Rococo Variations with cellist Kristiana Ignatjeva, who finished her studies at Purcell last year and is now in her first year at the Royal College of Music.
Our school harp quartet entertained patrons in the foyer before the concert.
Lots of primary school age children came with their parents and enjoyed filling in our activity sheets, learning about percussion instruments in the orchestra and taking part in our Pulcinella drawing competition! The picture to the right is of Kevin presenting the winner with a sweetcorn shaker (with prizes like that, who could resist!)