Young Percussion Composer of the Year Competition

We were delighted to hear over the half term break that Year 12 composer Natty became the Runner Up in Category A of the Young Percussion Composer of the Year 2023 competition.

Congratulations to Natty! We are all very proud.

Purcell Pianist Performs on Prestigious Romanian Stage

On 20th October, Year 11 pianist Teodora gave a stunning recital in Romania’s prestigious Eduard Caudella Hall, at the invitation of the George Enescu National University of Arts. There was a large audience with personalities from the world of music and local mass media in attendance. While in Romania, she also gave an interview with a local radio station about her musical activity and future plans, participated in a workshop by Grace Jee Eun Oh about freedom of expression in the sonata form, and volunteered at the Romanian Music Festival organised by the George Enescu National University of Arts.

What a fantastic amount of accomplishments for the half term break. Well done, Teodora.